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Transitioning to Fall Heating

Feb 2, 2022Uncategorized0 comments

While we have enjoyed summer’s sunshine and fun, the season will soon come to a close and fall will be upon us. This means frosty nights and cool mornings, and having your heater in good condition is key to enjoying these peaceful perks of fall. Here we have detailed a few basic tips to help you seamlessly transition into heating your home this fall and staying warm all winter long.

Heater Maintenance Tips

  1. Check the filter in your heating system. A clogged or dirty filter impairs air flow and reduces the efficiency of your heater.
  2. Clear air vents of boxes, furniture, and other barriers. This will help your heater do its job without working overtime to compensate for restricted access to your home.
  3. Test your carbon monoxide alarm. Carbon monoxide gas can build up from burning fuel in appliances and vehicles. About 170 people die each year from carbon monoxide poisoning, especially since carbon monoxide is colorless, odorless, and invisible.
  4. Have your heater professionally inspected. Many heating maintenance applications are critical to the success of your system, but should only be serviced by a licensed technician.

The professionals at Extreme Residential are here to keep your systems running and your home comfortable year round. call extreme at one of our locations to prepare your heater for this upcoming fall!